
OCLBA welcomes LGBT lawyers, legal professionals, community members, and our straight allies in supporting diversity in Orange County’s legal community. Please consider becoming a member today.

Members enjoy a number of benefits including monthly and annual events, the opportunity to be featured in our online membership directory, CLE presentations, and the ability to network professionally and socially with some of Orange County’s leading lawyers.

If you need assistance completing this application, please send us a message.

Annual Membership *
 Please renew my membership automatically.
Optional Annual Scholarship Donation
 Please renew my membership automatically.
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.

Your membership and Account Details are hidden from the public by default, but underlined fields will be publicly visible if you elect to appear in the Member Directory.

Account Details
Some common pronouns are he/him, she/hers, and they/them.
Some common identities are female, male, transgender, and non-binary.
Please indicate if you are a member of the Orange County Bar Association. This assists us in meeting our annual requirement for our status as an affiliate bar association.
If you would like to subscribe to OCLBA's mailing lists, please select them below.
Job Postings
Mentor Program

If applicable, please enter your payment details below.  OCLBA securely processes payments through Stripe.

If you elect to appear in the Member Directory, all information entered under Professional Details will be publicly visible.

Member Profile – Professional Details
Select "Yes" to include your profile in the Member Directory.
Select "Not Applicable" if you do not practice law.
Select "Not Applicable" if you did not attend law school.
Use this area to describe other practice areas or to better describe your business.
Enter the URL for your LinkedIn profile. The typical format is